Martin Luther King Jr was murdered by the government, says the civil case his family won in 1999.
George Washington was a Freemason, starting the secret society called "The knights of Cincinnatus." An Illuminati cult that was later called the "Knights of the Golden Circle" or the infamous "Ku Klux Klan."
Ben Franklin was a master for the masonic lodge of St. John’s Lodge in Philadelphia along multiple masonic lodges in France. He also was a member of the "Hell Fire club" where he and other masons worshiped their "light", Satan, through rituals and ceremonies.
Three towers fell on September 11th. 1,2 and 7.
Osama Bin Laden worked the CIA for over thirty years and can be found pictured with multiple famous American politicians.
Every single president since 1920, many before ever running for office, attended the "Bohemian Grove Ceremony", where they performed the "Cremation of Care" while sacrificing a "live animal" and later fake symbolism's of sacrifices to the 70 foot tall Owl figurine of knowledge in order to communicate and cast demons abroad. They openly practiced homosexuality and child molestation while on the grove.
Every country invaded thus far in the War on Terror has one thing in common, no central bank. The only two standing economies are Iran and Russia. Iran is currently suspected of "weapons of mass destruction", I'm sure it's just coincidence.
Don't mind me,
I'm just that weird guy at your work or school who likes reading books over drinking alcohol and can't name any players on your favorite sports team.
I'm that girl who doesn't understand why you think your Christianity you know little about is fine while you degrade her families Koran that you've never seen a day in your life.
I'm the man who mourns the 22 soldiers who killed themselves today because they went to war to protect liberty and came home with innocent blood on their hands.
I'm not anything..... and I'm everything.... just as you are..... just as we all are.... all aren't at the same time.... Anonymous.
George Washington was a Freemason, starting the secret society called "The knights of Cincinnatus." An Illuminati cult that was later called the "Knights of the Golden Circle" or the infamous "Ku Klux Klan."
Ben Franklin was a master for the masonic lodge of St. John’s Lodge in Philadelphia along multiple masonic lodges in France. He also was a member of the "Hell Fire club" where he and other masons worshiped their "light", Satan, through rituals and ceremonies.
Three towers fell on September 11th. 1,2 and 7.
Osama Bin Laden worked the CIA for over thirty years and can be found pictured with multiple famous American politicians.
Every single president since 1920, many before ever running for office, attended the "Bohemian Grove Ceremony", where they performed the "Cremation of Care" while sacrificing a "live animal" and later fake symbolism's of sacrifices to the 70 foot tall Owl figurine of knowledge in order to communicate and cast demons abroad. They openly practiced homosexuality and child molestation while on the grove.
Every country invaded thus far in the War on Terror has one thing in common, no central bank. The only two standing economies are Iran and Russia. Iran is currently suspected of "weapons of mass destruction", I'm sure it's just coincidence.
Don't mind me,
I'm just that weird guy at your work or school who likes reading books over drinking alcohol and can't name any players on your favorite sports team.
I'm that girl who doesn't understand why you think your Christianity you know little about is fine while you degrade her families Koran that you've never seen a day in your life.
I'm the man who mourns the 22 soldiers who killed themselves today because they went to war to protect liberty and came home with innocent blood on their hands.
I'm not anything..... and I'm everything.... just as you are..... just as we all are.... all aren't at the same time.... Anonymous.