A coin from the Kingdom of Arakan

A coin from the Kingdom of Arakan, a Muslim state that existed in Burma in the 1500s. Muslims have lived in Burma since the 700s. 
Today, the Muslims of Burma, known as the Rohingya, are treated as outsiders and are persecuted by Buddhist monks throughout their homeland. Over 100,000 Rohingya have been displaced by the persecution in the past year.

Why did ALLAH created unclean Animal such as Pig.

Great answer...... "They are scavengers; they clean up the earth. 
The pig has no sweat glands; that means that every particle of bacteria that they come in contact with from birth until death they retain in their fat. 
A pig will eat anything and everything you throw into their cage, including human bodies, hair, bone and all. 
They are like one of nature's vacuum cleaners. 

I cannot understand why anyone would eat it. You might as well vacuum all day and then take the vacuum bag and make a nice soup out of it." Of course our Creator has given us the health laws through the Holy Quran and not eating pigs is even CLEARLY mentioned in the Bible (Leviticus 11:07) But some humans think they are more intelligent than the Creator so they choose to follow their own desires and live a very painful and troublesome filled life.

A STORY from the life of ‘Alee Ibn Abee Taalib.

‘Alee Ibn Abee Taalib (ra) said:

“I got very hungry in Madeenah, and I went out looking for work in the outskirts of the city. There was a woman who had gathered some dirt, and I thought she wanted to wet it, So I went to her and made an agreement with her (that she would give me) one date for each bucket.

I brought sixteen buckets, until my hands swelled up, the I brought the water and drank some of it. I put my hands like this in front of her hands, and she counted out sixteen dates for me. Then I came to the Prophet (saw) and told him, and he ate some of them with me.” [Sifat As-Safwah, 1/320]

Lessons learned from this story:

1) This incident shows us the hardships that the companions went through and their their conduct in dealing with hardship.

2) ‘Alee went out and worked with his own hands to earn in the proper way, and he did not sit and wait for whatever people gave him.

3) His strength of patience with which he undertook that hard work when he was suffering severe hunger which had sapped his strength.

4) We also learn about giving precedence to loved ones and showing loyalty to them, because despite his extreme hunger and the hard work he had done himself, he kept his wages of dates until he met with the Prophet (saw) and ate with him.

['Alee Ibn Abee Taalib, His Life And Times, by 'Alee Muhammad As-Sallaabee, 1/148]



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