"Don't judge me" - "Only God can judge me"

More and more Muslims Toady are using the statement "Don't judge me" or "Only God can judge me" to run away from advice.

As Mufti Ismail Menk said: "Don't use the term “DON'T JUDGE ME” in order to run away from advice."

Don't use these excuses to condemn someone who corrects you, just because you desire the Haram.

It maybe that your justification of the Haram, and your condemnation of the person who corrected you in the spirit of Dawah, that maybe serious in the sight of God than the Haram itself.

Moreover, Imagine how it would have been if Abu Bakr & Umar said to the Beloved Prophet "Don't judge me" or "Only God can judge me" when they were called towards paradise and warned against eternal doom.

In addition to that, if you go back and try to find out who made these statements popular, you would find that the kuffar, specifically, the rap and Hip Hop artists, were the ones who made such rhetoric famous to justify their Kufr and evil actions.

Finally, the choice is yours, you can either follow the way (sunnah) of the Kuffar and the rap artists, or you can follow the way (sunnah) of the best of generation (the Sahabah).

"...so judge you between men in truth (and justice) and follow not your desire for it will mislead you from the Path of Allâh." [38 :: 26]

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By ALLAH we will never give up..MUST READ

When an army of 1000 came to kill Muslims of 313 at Badr, Did the Muslims step back?

When an army of 3000 came to destroy the Muslims of 1000 at Uhud, Did the Muslims step back?

When the Roman army of 200,000 came to defeat the 30,000 of Muslim army, Did the Muslims step back?

When the Crusaders came to destroy the Khilafah, Did the Muslims step back?

When the Mongolian army came and killed millions of Muslims (nearly 10 Million), destroyed the ¾ of the Khilafah, did the Muslims step back? Didn’t a small army of Muslims defeat all the Mongol armies and reestablish Khilafah?

When the USA terrorists came to kill the innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan, Did the Muslims step back?

When Israeli terrorists continuously attack the Palestinians for decades, Did the Muslims step back?

When the tyrant, basher al assad started to kill innocents in Syria, Did the Muslims step back?

When the tyrant, sisi started to kill innocents in Egypt, Are the Muslims gonna step back?

The more they kill the more we rise.
What they are doing is nothing but increasing the number of Mujahidin in the battlefield, increasing the Imaan of the Muslims, making the Muslim more strong, and most importantly uniting the UMMAH.
That’s why we Muslims are called the ‘SLAVES of ALLAH the ALMIGHTY’

How can anyone possibly defeat an army who look in to the barrels of enemy’s weapons and see Paradise?

O Musilms be steadfast, Be strong, Be close to Allah; we are going through hard times. Raise your hands and ask Allah to protect the Muslim Ummah.
And Indeed, Allah is preparing us a Great Victory, Allahu Akbar !

Get Google opened in another tab and get ready for a hearty helpin' of truth

Martin Luther King Jr was murdered by the government, says the civil case his family won in 1999.

George Washington was a Freemason, startin
g the secret society called "The knights of Cincinnatus." An Illuminati cult that was later called the "Knights of the Golden Circle" or the infamous "Ku Klux Klan."

Ben Franklin was a master for the masonic lodge of St. John’s Lodge in Philadelphia along multiple masonic lodges in France. He also was a member of the "Hell Fire club" where he and other masons worshiped their "light", Satan, through rituals and ceremonies. 

Three towers fell on September 11th. 1,2 and 7.

Osama Bin Laden worked the CIA for over thirty years and can be found pictured with multiple famous American politicians. 

Every single president since 1920, many before ever running for office, attended the "Bohemian Grove Ceremony", where they performed the "Cremation of Care" while sacrificing a "live animal" and later fake symbolism's of sacrifices to the 70 foot tall Owl figurine of knowledge in order to communicate and cast demons abroad. They openly practiced homosexuality and child molestation while on the grove. 

Every country invaded thus far in the War on Terror has one thing in common, no central bank. The only two standing economies are Iran and Russia. Iran is currently suspected of "weapons of mass destruction", I'm sure it's just coincidence. 

Don't mind me, 

I'm just that weird guy at your work or school who likes reading books over drinking alcohol and can't name any players on your favorite sports team. 

I'm that girl who doesn't understand why you think your Christianity you know little about is fine while you degrade her families Koran that you've never seen a day in your life. 

I'm the man who mourns the 22 soldiers who killed themselves today because they went to war to protect liberty and came home with innocent blood on their hands. 

I'm not anything..... and I'm everything.... just as you are..... just as we all are.... all aren't at the same time.... Anonymous.

Austria's Queen wearing Veil

In 1916, in Vienna, Austria, presented the king with his wife - which, as the queen was - was entirely covered only by the fact that it is the queen and not have to be looked by any man.

But this practice was originally started by Prophet
Mohammed (peace be upon him) 1400 years ago on ALLAH's command to protect the dignity of Women.
In a nut-shell, every Muslim woman is considered as 'QUEEN'.

Note: This photo is not photo-shopped or morphed.

Lailat-ul-Qadr - The night of Power

In this night, the Holy Quran was sent down from LOH-E-MEHFOOZ (the Preserved Tablet) to the earth. Messenger of ALLAH (Blessings of Allah and peace be on him) told us to search for Shab-e-Qadr in the odd numbered nights, in the last ten days of Ramzan.

So, the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th night of Ramadan could be Shab-e-Qadr.

Hazrat Aisha Radiallah Anha stated that Rasool Allah peace be upon him said, "Look for Lailat-Ul-Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadhan." (Bukhari)

Hazrat Aisha Radiallah Anha stated that as much Rasool Allah peace be upon him tried (Ibadat) in the last Ashra (ten days) of Ramadhan, did not try in any of the Ashra." (Muslim)

Hazrat Aisha Radiallah Anha stated that I asked Rasool Allah peace be upon him, "If I find Lailatul Qadar then what should I do? HE peace be upon him said, recite this Dua."ALLAH HUMMA INNAKA A’FUVUN TOHIB BUL AFVA FA’AFU ANNI" (Tirmidhi)

Dear visitors, please take advantage of this night, from sunset till sunrise. Offer nawafil (prayers), recite QUR'AAN, do repent (Istaghfar), and Pray for pardon, recite many many Salawat (Darood Sharif & Salaam) and make benediction (Dua'as).

Special DU’AA of Lailatul QADR:
"O Allah! You are the Forgiver and You like forgiving so forgive me”

21st Night of Ramadhan-Ul-Mubarak - 1st night of Laitlat-Ul-Qadr

1) Pray 4 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’t) (2 cycles of 2 raka' each).
In each raka', after Surah FATIHA recite Surah QADR (Inna anzalna .. )once and Surah IKHLAS (Qul-hu-wal-lah..) once. After completion recite SALAAT-O-SALAAM (Durood Sharif) seventy (70) times. Click here for Durood page.
Benefit: Insha Allah, Angels will pray for forgivenss for that person.

2) Offer 2 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’t)
In each raka', after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR once and Surah IKHLAS three times. After completion of this salah, recite any Astaghfar seventy times.
Astaghfar: "Allah Hummagh Fir Li Wa Tub A'laiyya Inna Ka Innta Tawwabur Raheem" OR "Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa Atoobu ilaiyh"
Benefit: Effective for forgivness of sins.

3) In this night (21st), recite Surah QADR 21 times.

23rd Night of Ramadhan-Ul-Mubarak - 2nd night of Laitlat-Ul-Qadr

1) Offer 4 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’t) (2 sets of 2 raka’ each)
In each raka', after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR once and Surah IKHLAS three times.
Benefit: Effective for forgivness of sins.

2) Offer 8 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’) (4 sets of 2 raka’ each)
In each raka', after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR and Surah IKHLAS once. After completion of this salah (namaaz) recite the third kalima (Kalima Tamjeed) 70 times. After that, plead to Allah Almighty for forgiveness of sins.
Kalima Tamjeed: "Subhan Allahi Wal Hamdu Lillahi Wa La ilaaha illal laho Walla Hu Akbar.Wala Haowla Wala Quwwata illa Billa Hil Aliyil Azeem". Click here for Arabic text of Kalima Tamjeed.
Benefit: Allah Willing (Insha’Allah), Allah will forgive whoever performs this prayer

3) In the 23rd night recite Surah YAASEEN once and Surah RAHMAAN once.

25th Night of Ramadhan-Ul-Mubarak - 3rd night of Laitlat-Ul-Qadr

1) In this night offer 4 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’t) (2 sets of 2 raka’ each)
After Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR one time and Surah IKHLAS five times in each raka’. After completion of this salat recite the first Kalima Tayyab 100 times.
Kalima Tayyab: "Laa ilaaha illal Laho Mohammadur Rasoolullah". Click here for Arabic text of Kalima Tayyab.
Benifit: Insha Allah, Allah Tala will give him/her unlimited Sawab (good Deeds)

2) Offer 4 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’) (2 sets of 2 raka’ each)
In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR three times and Surah IKHLAS three times. After completion of this salah, recite any Astaghfar 70 times.
Astaghfar: "Allah Hummagh Fir Li Wa Tub A'laiyya Inna Ka Innta Tawwabur Raheem" OR "Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa Atoobu ilaiyh"
Benefit: This salat is good for the pardoning of sins.

3.Offer two cycles of ritual prayer (raka’).
In each raka', after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR once and Surah IKHLAS fifteen times. After Salat, recite the second Kalima (Kalima-e-Shahaadat) 70 times.
Kalima Shaadat: "Ashadu Anlaa ilaaha illal Lahu Wa Ash Hadu Anna Mohammadan Abduhu Wa Rasoolohu". Click here for Arabic text of Kalima Shaadat.
Benefit: The reward of this namaaz is freedom from the punishment of the grave.

4) Recite Surah Dukhan. Allah Willing (Insha’Allah) they will be granted freedom from the punishment of grave.

5) Recite Surah Fath seven times. Beneficial for the fulfillment of desires and wishes.

27th Night of Ramadhan-Ul-Mubarak - 4th night of Laitlat-Ul-Qadr

1) In the 27th night, pray 12 cycles of ritual prayer (raka’) (3 set of 4 raka’ each)
In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR once and Surah IIKHLAS fifteen times. After salah recite any Astaghfar 70 times.
Astaghfar: "Allah Hummagh Fir Li Wa Tub A'laiyya Inna Ka Innta Tawwabur Raheem" OR "Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa Atoobu ilaiyh"
Benefit: Inhsa Allah, Allah tala will give sawab equal to Ibadah of Ambiya Karam's (Messengers of Allah) Ibadah.

2) Pray two cycles of ritual prayer (raka’).
In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA recite Surah QADR 3 times and Surah IKHLAS 27 times, and plead to Allah for the forgiveness of sins.
Benefit: Allah Willing (Insha’Allah), the Allah Almighty will forgive all their previous sins.

3) Pray four cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). (2 sets of 2 raka’ each).
In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah TAKAASUR once and Surah IKHLAS three times.
Benefit: Whoever offers this salah, they will be saved from hardship at the time of death, and Allah Willing (Insha’Allah), they will be freed from the punishment of the grave.

4) Pray two cycles of ritual prayer (raka’).
In each raka’, after Surahh FATIHA, recite Surah IKHLAS seven times and after salah recite this seventy times:
Benfit: Before the person gets up from the praying area, Allah Almighty will pardon them and their parents, and Allah Almighty will Command the angels to adorn the Paradise for them and it is said that they will not die until they see the blessings (ne'mat) of Paradise with their own eyes.

5) Pray two cycles of ritual prayer (raka’).
In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah ALAM’NASHRAH once, Surah IKHLAS three times and after salah, recite Surah QADR 27 times.
Benefit: Effecive for unlimited Sawab of Ibadah.

6) Pray four cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). (1 set of 4 raka’).
In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA' recite Surah QADR three times and Surah IKHLAS fifty times and after completion of this salah (namaaz), recite this once in prostration (sajdah):
Benefit: After that whatever wish one may have, either worldly or religious, may be pleased. Allah Willing (Insha’Allah), their supplication will be fulfilled.

7) In this night, recite Surah Mulk 7 times. It is good for freeing from punishment.

29th Night of Ramadhan-Ul-Mubarak - 5th night of Laitlat-Ul-Qadr

1) Pray four cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). (2 sets of 2 raka’ each).
In every raka’, after Surah FATIHA recite Surah QADR once and Surahh IKHLAS three times. After salah, recite Surah ALAM’NASHRAH 70 times.
Benefit: Efective for the completion of Imaan.

2) Offer four cycles of ritual prayer (raka’). (2 sets of 2 raka’ each).
In each raka’, after Surah FATIHA, recite Surah QADR once and Surah IKHLAS five times. After salah, recite SALAAT-O-SALAAM (Darood Sharif) 100 times. Click here for Durood page.
Benefit: Effective for forgiveness of sins.

3) Recite Surah WAAQIAH seven times. Beneficial for increase in Rizq.

In any night of RAMAZAN-UL-MUBARAK, after taraavih recite Surah QADR seven times. Allah Willing (Insha’Allah), the one who does so, will be saved from all troubles and afflictions.

On this great night it's of great benefit to perform Salat-Ul-Tasbih. Click here for instructions to perform Salat-ul-Tasbih.

Mataf expansion

The mataf on the second and third floors will have cable cars to carry aged and disabled pilgrims and there will be direct access to these floors from outside. The topmost floor of the mataf will have automated walkway revolving around the Kaaba. Currently the capacity of the mataf is 28,000 pilgrims in an hour or four persons in a square meter area, though at peak days it rises to 40,000 people or six people in a square meter in an hour.

Check out Latest Pics of Kabbah: Click Here

Muslims ‘are Britain’s top charity givers’

The Times (UK): Muslims ‘are Britain’s top charity givers’


Dont forget to Share to motivate other people to Donate, as Zakat is one of the 4th pillar of Islam. And Allah command Muslims many times in Quran to pay charity

When Mu'min will enter into Jannah, it will be announced:

1. You will remain healthy forever, disease
willnever come.
2. You will remain alive for ever, death will never
3. You will remain in bounties which will never be
Jannat is made with Bricks of Gold and Silver.
Its cement is of perfumed Musk.
Its chips are pearls and Yaqoot.
Its sand is Zafraan.
There are eight doors of Jannah.
These are eight grades of Jannat:
1. Jannatul Mava
2. Darul Maqaam
3. Darul Salaam
4. Darul Khuld
5. Jannat-ul-Adan
6. Jannat-ul-Naeem
7. Jannat-ul-Kasif
8. Jannat-ul-Firdous
Food of Jannah
They will eat foods and fruits continuously up to
40 years.
Every bowl will have a new taste.
They will take eructation which will digest thefood
and there will be perfumed sweating forthe
digestion of water.
There will be no urine and stool.
Place Name
There will be gardens in Jannah.
Every garden will have the length of about 100
year's journey.
The shadow of these gardens will be very dense.
Their plants will be free of thorns.
The size of their leaves will be equal to ears
Their fruits will be hanging in rows.
Jannatul Mava is in the lowest, Jannat-ul-Adan is
the middle &
Jannat-ul-Firdous is on the highest.
Those who love each other for the sake of Allah
will get a pillar of
Yaqoot, on which there will be seventy thousand
(70,000) rooms.
These will shine for the residents of Jannah asthe
sun shines for the residents of Duniya.
There will be rooms in Jannah in such a way that
every room will
have seventy thousand (70,000) dinning sheets.
On every dinning sheet 70,000 types of foods will
be served.
For their service 80,000 young boys will be
moving around looking like beautiful scattered
One bunch of dates will be equal to the lengthof
12 arms.
The size of a date will be equal to the big pitcher.
These will be whiter than milk, sweeter than
honey and softer than butter and free of seeds.
The stem of these plants will be made up of gold
and silver.
There will also be gardens of grapes. The bunches
of grapes will be very big.
The size of a single grape will be equal to a big
Someone asked, ya Rasulullah (Sallalahu alaihi
Will it be sufficient for me and my family? It was
answered, it will be
sufficient for you and your whole tribe.
The Dresses of Jannat
The dress of Jannah will be very beautiful.
One will wear 70 dresses at a time.
These will be very fine, delicate, weightless,
having different colors.
These dresses will be so fine that the body and
even the heart will be visible.
And the waves of love in the hearts will also be
These dresses will never become old, never
bedirty and will never tear.
There will be four canals in every Jannah.
1. Water
2. Milk
3. Honey
4. Sharabun Tahoora.
There will also be three fountains in Jannah:
1. Kafoor
2. Zanjabeel
3. Tasneem
Qualities of People of Jannah
In Jannah, height of every Mo'min, will be equal
to the height of Hazrat Adam (Alaihissalaam)60
arms (90 feet).
Beauty will be like that of Hazrat Yousuf
Age of youth will be like that of Hazrat Esa
(Alaihissalaam)30-33 years.
Sweetness of voice will be like that of Hazrat
Dawud (Alaihissalaam).
Tolerance will be like that of Hazrat Yaqoob
Patience will be like that of Hazrat Ayyub
Habits will be like that of Muhammad (Sallalahu
alaihi wasallam)
If a person makes Du'a for Jannah three times,
Jannah requests Allah that: O Allah, make his
entry into Jannah.
And if a person makes Du'a for safety from
Jahannam three times, Jahannnum requests Allah
that: O Allah, save him from Jahannam.
Pass this message on and may Allah grant the
entire Ummah of Nabi sallalahu alaihi wasallam
Jannat ul Firdous. Ameen!
Every good act is charity.
May Allah Forgive our sins. Ameen!
Remember the Prophet PBUH said, If you
haveknowledge pass it on, even if it is just one

Latest Pics of Kaabah -Kaaba Photos, Kaaba Pictures, Kaaba Images

Kaaba Photos, Kaaba Pictures, Kaaba Images

Kaaba Photos, Kaaba Pictures, Kaaba Images

Kaaba Photos, Kaaba Pictures, Kaaba Images

Kaaba Photos, Kaaba Pictures, Kaaba Images

Kaaba Photos, Kaaba Pictures, Kaaba Images

Kaaba Photos, Kaaba Pictures, Kaaba Images

Kaaba Photos, Kaaba Pictures, Kaaba Images

Kaaba Photos, Kaaba Pictures, Kaaba Images

Kaaba Photos, Kaaba Pictures, Kaaba Images


Quote: Just because you can't see the air...

Kaabah is like magnet

The first picture is a magnet in the shape of a cube with iron fillings scattered around it. The magnetic field causes the iron fillings to arrange themselves into that pattern.

“We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'an) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?” - [41:53]

PROF. ABDUL BARI: An extra ordinary soldier of the National Movement.

Freedom fighter Prof. Abdul Bari murder was the first political murder of independent India. In 1947 riot
spread in Patna, on request of Mahatma Gandhi he was coming to Patna by car from Jamshedpur, he was shot dead near Fatuha Railway crossing on 28 March 1947. After Prof. Abdul Bari’s gruesome murder Gandhi ji visited his native place ‘Koelwar’ and met the bereaved family. Gandhi ji was visibly moved at the pathetic sight of abject poverty of this great freedom fighter’s family. There was no money with the family even for Prof. Abdul Bari’s burial. His killer never got punished because it is said that he was being killed by fellow congressmen in Power struggle for BPCC President and Chief Ministerial Candidate.

Professor Abdul Bari's life is a saga of sacrifice for the freedom of the Motherland.
He was President of Bihar Pradesh Congress Committee (B.P.C.C) from 1946 to 28th March, 1947 till his death.
Prof. Abdul Bari was a disciple and co-worker of Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Dr. Rajendra Prasad has built for himself a unique and undisputed position and influence in the province by his service and sacrifice. Abdul Bari jumped into the freedom struggle during the days of the “Khilafat Movement” and became a President of Tata Workers’ Union in 1936. With the arrival of Abdul Bari, the labour movement in Jamshedpur gained new, vigour.

He played active role to unite worker section of Bihar, Bangal and Udissa for freedom struggle movement in 1921, 1922 and 1942. He also played active role in Non co-operation movement in 1922 with Dr. Rajendra Prasad. A national level college has been established in Sadaqat Ashram patna in 1921 in which Dr. Rajendra Prasad was principal and Abdul Bari was professor. In provincial election in 1936, he was elected as an M.L.A of Bihar. He became Dy. speaker of Bihar Assembly in 1937 of first congress Government. Mr. Bari become Vice chairman of Bihar Labour Enquiry committee under clair was ship of Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Bihar labour enquiry community visited Jamshedpur to see the labour problem in Jamshedpur. On request of Netaji Subhas Chanra Bose, than President of Jamshedpur labour association decided to lead the labour association in Jamshedpur, On advice of Netaji Subhas ch. Bose decided to change the name of Jamshedpur labaur association to” tata Worker’s Union in 1937. After this in 1937 his first historical agreement with TISCO management. He played active role in Quit India Movement in 1942. He took part in freedom movement and finally sacrificed his life for the cause of nation. He had taken part in many freedom movements along with Dr. Rajendra Prasad,Shri Babu & Anugraha Babu. He becomes President of Bihar Pradesh committee in 1946.

The great Prof. Abdul Bari belongs to “Malik Family” of Bihar and he born in 1892 at Village Koilwar Dist. Bhojpur Bihar. His father Md. Qurban Ali was belongs to Village ‘Kansua’ Dist Jahanabad, Bihar. He buried in ‘Peermohani Qabristan’ in Patna.

A Masjid in China.


Position of Jesus (pbuh) in Islam:

(i)Islam is the only non-Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus (pbuh). No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus (pbuh).

(ii) We believe that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of Allah (swt).

(iii) We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which many modern day Christians do not believe.

(iv) We believe he was the Messiah translated Christ (pbuh).

(v) We believe that he gave life to the dead with God’s permission.

(iv) We believe that he healed those born blind, and the lepers with God’s permission.

Occupied city of Yafa- Jaffa

Rare photo
Occupied city of Yafa- Jaffa
before occupation (before 1948)

A page from an 8th century Quran, written in the Kufic script.

World map drawn in the mid-1500s

An Ottoman world map drawn in the mid-1500s. It is notable in that it clearly shows the continent of Antarctica and maps it relatively accurately. 

The first known European sighting of Antarctic land was in the 1700s, 200 years after this map was drawn.

How beautiful a Hijabi Muslimah is..!!!

Anyone who says “Hijab is against beauty”, they mix up between the meaning of “beauty” and “charms” of a woman.

Hijab doesn’t cover the beauty of a woman…In fact it increases it.

Hijab does cover the charms of a Muslimah and not her beauty,because the beauty of a woman lies in her Hayaa and good manners…

It doesn’t lie in red lipstick or in blue eyes and beautiful face or body !!

We may find a woman who wears her full Islamic Hijab but she captures people’s hearts by the beauty of her soul !!

And we may find a woman who wears inappropriate clothes but the light of her beauty, which attracted eyes to her body, will soon extinguish.

And as they say : ”a beautiful woman who displays her charms, may attract a man to her body for an hour,but a chaste decent woman would capture his heart for his entire life!”

Right to Ownership and Property- Right to Education-Islam

WHY Media cried for Malala being attacked..

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Think before you share something on FB, Media cried for Malala being attacked, this is a strategy to cover up the drone attacks on innocent Pakistani Children, women and men. Share this with others, who is a victim of US media. 

Lets pray for our ummah ... ♥

I see the map changing... ♥


If a country stands against Imperialism -SUPPORT THEM-
If a country stands against Injustice -SUPPORT THEM-
If a country stands for Worlds Peace -SUPPORT THEM-
Long Live the Irish Men of Dublin of Europe... 
Long Live North Korea of Asia
Long Live Iran of Middle-East
Long Live Venezuela of South America
I see the map changing... ♥

Stand up whole world against America & and its Allies...Support N. Korea... This is the right time to vanish America & wipe these killers from this world...
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